Asilo – ArleneWow!


Posted On:04.19.2016

With the help of my family, I’m in the process of gathering information concerning Asilo San Vicente de Paul where my mom spent her childhood (see earlier blogs).

This is the first photo of the front of the building that my Tio Luis and Tia Charito found online. There is no date when this shot was taken.

Asilo San Vicente de Paul - Year unknown

Asilo San Vicente de Paul –
Year unknown


I can honestly say that I did not get a warm fuzzy feeling upon seeing it. The picture actually embodies the sadness I feel about the period of time my mom suffered there. It seems so old and depressing.

So far, I have not uncovered much information concerning the Asilo, but I’m still trying to unearth something. My mom was there in the 1940s. There has to be more than just a photo.

This was such a major part of my mom’s life that I’d like to shine more light on it. It would be amazing to find other women who experienced life there or perhaps come across a family member.

This place has always haunted me. There is something to be discovered here. I am looking forward to seeing it up close and personal. 

I know there is more coming about this, I can feel it…

For now I will be patient and keep stirring the pot.


As fate would have it, I decided to take a break from blogging to have a bite to eat. TV usually is not something I care to watch, but I popped on some HBO as background noise and this is what was playing:

Maxima Mia Culpa…Silence in the House of God

…a documentary about boys at St. John’s School for the Deaf in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Please watch it while I keep stirring the pot.